Cushing’s – Four Years On

Today marks four years since I had transphenoidal surgery and my Cushing's Disease was put into remission. I believe I had Cushing's for around four years before the surgery as well. Unfortunately, while things are vastly improved, I'm not back to where I was health-wise before the Cushing's started. A good endocrinologist will warn you … Continue reading Cushing’s – Four Years On

Cushing’s Three and a Half Years On

I wasn't intending to do an update before the four year mark but this March, on my birthday, I had some excellent news. I'm no longer steroid dependant! Following surgery for Cushing's, we go into remission and produce next to no cortisol of our own. This is because our tumour has been doing the work … Continue reading Cushing’s Three and a Half Years On

Cushing’s Surgery – 3 years on

Already three years. Time seems to fly by yet at the same time recovery goes so slowly. I drew the ropes in Cushing's colours to symbolise my expected feelings now I'm in remission, very much the same daily, in contrast to how remission actually is. Some days you're way up, some days you're way down. … Continue reading Cushing’s Surgery – 3 years on

Cushing’s surgery – 2 years on

Two years already, where has the time gone? I won't be doing such an in-depth post as I did for my 1 year anniversary; instead I'll redirect you to that post for a full run down of what my symptoms were before surgery and how they had improved and will detail below my further improvements. … Continue reading Cushing’s surgery – 2 years on

A Beginners Guide to Cushing’s

Cushing's is a weird, scary, complicated disease and as such it can be tough to get your head around it. I thought I'd have a go at an easy to understand, basic guide to try and help those going through this or just curious about it. It's based around my own experiences and research but … Continue reading A Beginners Guide to Cushing’s

Post Cushing’s Surgery – 18 months on

18 months already! It seems to have gone by so quickly. I will give an update on some of the victories and trials I've faced since my 1 year update and things I'm still learning about this disease and myself. There has also been a virtual conference held by the Pituitary Foundation in March 2021 … Continue reading Post Cushing’s Surgery – 18 months on

Ki Hara – helping my recovery – the sequel

In November 2020 I decided to try and aid my muscle and fitness recovery following Cushing's by doing Ki Hara; a type of yoga that I used to practise. With my instructor, Ellie, I have now completed 5 personal sessions and have videos of all of them that I can use to continue my progress. … Continue reading Ki Hara – helping my recovery – the sequel

Ki Hara – helping my recovery

I recently read a few medical studies regarding regaining strength following Cushing's. The study found most of the participants lost grip strength and leg muscle function and that with no deliberate intervention following surgical remission, this did not improve. I have decided to try and fight that and will document my progress on this blog. … Continue reading Ki Hara – helping my recovery

The Clawing Cat that is Cushing’s

Just for fun I came up with an analogy to help people understand just how much damage Cushing's can cause, how long it takes to heal from it and what it gets replaced with. I decided to think of Cushing's as a particularly grumpy cat that loves to claw at you. You're stuck in a … Continue reading The Clawing Cat that is Cushing’s

Post Cushing’s Surgery – 1 year on

It's been one whole year since my pituitary tumour that was causing Cushing's was removed by the amazing (and famous!) Mr Ahmed and as such I'm now in remission. We're never considered cured as there is around a 30% recurrence rate and it's not an easy recovery, nor are we guaranteed to recover 100%. However … Continue reading Post Cushing’s Surgery – 1 year on